Monday, July 22, 2013

Review: Rowan Starsmith - The Little Dragons

Title: The Little Dragons
Author: Rowan Starsmith
My rating: 4 Stars

Link to a FREE download of the e-book on this page of her site:
It's been awhile since I could write a review due to ongoing computer issues. During that time, I didn't read anything that I'd want to write a review for because I wanted it to be as fresh in my mind as possible. The first book I loaded up on my e-reader after getting my laptop running again just happened to be this one. I knew it would be a story I wouldn't want to put down.

The story is about the downfall between groups of people who used to live peacefully with dragons, using Dragon Priestesses working with their familiars, Little Dragons, to keep a peace treaty of sorts with the Great Dragons until the Kings Men took over the lands and started killing off the dragons and Dragon Priestesses. They did not succeed with killing the Great Dragons, therefore everybody has to live hiding/sleeping by day and going about their business by night when the Dragons are asleep, lest they get attacked/killed by a vengeful Dragon during the daylight hours. A group known as the Healers are seeking the knowledge that the Priestesses once held. They are also looking to find out if there are any Little Dragons still alive.

I had a strong feeling that the characters were true to themselves, with their flaws being quite believable. That said, if you are sensitive or highly insulted by LGBT relationships, this book is not for you. I, for one, sincerely appreciated reading the stories of those characters. I am straight, however I FULLY support the rights of ANYONE in love. I won't turn this review into a debate or a place to preach, I just wanted to let it be known to the author (should she read this) that the world of writers could learn a lot from her in this area.

Moving on, there were times I was extremely annoyed with specific characters, while rooting for them at the same time. I wasn't annoyed by the writing of the character, I was annoyed by the characters actions. The only part that slightly pulled me out of the story was a spelling difference of the character Liandra, sometimes spelled Leandra. This may have been addressed in the newest version of the book. My copy was downloaded a few months ago.

The world setting was not overwhelmingly descriptive, but there was enough to make me feel like I'm a part of the story. I would have loved a bit more description (This is not exactly a flaw, I just got done a major re-read of all of Robert Jordan books who is well known to be extremely descriptive, so there's a good chance I'm feeling that way because of that).

Overall there were a few twists and turns I did not see coming, a few that I did, a few that made me cry, and a few that made me jump for joy. I do feel like there could have been a few more meetings/reunions before the end, but I am satisfied with the story as a hole, and hope to see more fantasy genre novels from this author.


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