Thursday, August 29, 2013

Review: Tara Maya - Initiate

Title: Initiate
Author: Tara Maya
My Rating: 4 Stars

**Links are on author's website for a free download to this ebook in your preferred format**

Okay guys (and gals), haven't I already said that I need to stop reviewing the first book to a series? Well if I haven't, I really need to stop. At least until I succeed in finding a job because it is sheer torture to get into a good book, only to come to the end with the sweet promise of another and being unable to get it. I'll admit it, I'm a "greedy reader". I finish a book that's part of a series, and unless it sucks, I need to get my claws on the next one. I'm the same way with a good show, I'd prefer to watch an entire series in a few sittings rather than wait for a week to see a new episode. Before the warnings to not get into a certain now extremely explosive popular series due to getting it's own TV show, it's too late, I'm already sucked into that one, and yes it's slowly killing me as well. But I got off topic there, back to this gem.

Honestly, when I started this book, I had a slightly hard time getting into it. A lot could be due to the format of my ebook, it displayed weirdly on my e-reader. However it had that special something that kept me going, something that I can't quite put my finger on. I'm glad I continued though because I really enjoyed the read. It was unique. Yet another book with a magic system that I'm still not sure I quite grasp but I'm very intrigued to learn more about.

When it comes to the characters, I won't lie. They were weird. Trust me though, from me, that's a compliment! They were a really good kind of weird. A kind that makes me want to know more about these people, more about their history, and more about their future. They weren't your mundane everyday story heroes with the predictable back story and even more predictable future. They kept me guessing. The "bad guys" even had enough story to make them not so much bad. I really cannot stress enough how much I enjoy reading stories that can make you understand where both sides are coming from. One side being just pure evil is too easy in my opinion.

This book had just enough fantasy elements without overdoing it. The scenery was described well enough to be able to picture clearly. I now look out my window and imagine what it would be like to see fairies dancing in the grass. I wish I could dance with them. Not forever, mind you, just for a few minutes.

Overall I highly recommend this book, in fact, I've already told a few of my friends to check it out. I hope you, whoever should read this, will do the same. The world needs more fantasy authors who aren't afraid to dream and write things a little off the norm.